How do I contact a FordPass® Guide?

You can email or call a Guide using your FordPass App or by calling the support line. FordPass Guides are available:

  • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Using the FordPass App:

  1. Log in to the FordPass App.
  2. Navigate to the Account screen.
  3. Select Help.
  4. Tap on one of the following buttons:
    • Email
    • Call 

Note: When emailing, we recommend including your device information. This can be collected from the Help landing page by selecting Device Information.

Calling the Support Line:

If you cannot access the FordPass App, call (02) 8866 9408 for support.

More FordPass Information

For more detailed information on FordPass features and functions, visit our FordPass support page.

Additional Information

How do I activate my vehicle?
How do I use the remote start feature in FordPass?