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Online Ford Car Service & Repair Estimator | Ford PH


Ford Service Price Calculator

Ford Service Price Calculator

Peace of Mind

  • Ford offers a complimentary Peace of Mind Service Inspection for all new Ford vehicles purchased from Jan 1, 2024.
  • This service can be availed within 2 months or 2,000kms (whichever comes first) from the date of delivery.
  • Inspect the vehicle conditions according to the standard of the six main functions.
  • In case that additional service or maintenance may be required upon check-up, the expenses will be shouldered by the customer.


Intelligent Oil Life Monitoring (IOLM) is a smart system that measures the performance of your vehicle's oil.

Oil Change (IOLM)

  • The remaining engine oil life is displayed on the vehicle cluster and in the FordPass application.
  • When the engine oil life remaining is at 5%, it is necessary to change the oil within 2 weeks or 800 kms.
  • Taking the car to change the oil according to the oil life conditions shall maintain the standard vehicle warranty for a period of 5 years or 150,000 kilometers, whichever comes first and also allow the car to last longer. This helps in reducing risk of having incidents caused by the engine.

Free labor coupon

  • Vehicles purchased prior to January 1, 2024, come with a free labor coupon for Periodic Maintenance Service and Oil Change Service (IOLM) valid for the 1st service only, which covers 1 year or 10,000 kms, whichever comes first.
  • Vehicles purchased starting January 1, 2024, come with two free labor coupons for periodic maintenance service and oil change service (IOLM). These coupons are valid for the first service, which covers 1 year or 10,000 kms, whichever comes first, and the second service, which covers 2 years or 20,000 kms, whichever comes first.

Please select a variant and service interval to calculate Service price for your car.


Maintenance Service Cost

Based On
Servicing for
At Dealer
Total Parts Unit Used Total Cost
{{item.partName}} {{item.unitsUsed}} {{currency}} {{item.totalrepaircost | number:2}} {{currency}}
{{item.PartName}}* {{item.Quantity | number:2}} {{currency}} {{item.TotalCost | number:2}} {{currency}}
  • Total Parts Cost (Excluding VAT)
    {{currency}} {{totalAllPartsCost | number:2}} {{currency}}
  • Total Parts Cost (Including VAT)
Total Labour
  • Total Labour (hrs.)**(Scheduled Maintenance Parts)
    {{totallyLabour | number:2}}
  • Total Labour Expense({{currency}} {{labourCost | number:2}} {{currency}} per hour)(Scheduled Maintenance Parts)
  • Total Labour (hrs.)**(IOLM Parts)*
    {{iolmLabourHours | number:2 }}
  • Total Labour Expense({{currency}} {{labourCost | number:2}} {{currency}} per hour)(IOLM Parts)*
  • Total Labour Cost (Excluding VAT)
  • Total Labour Cost (Including VAT)
Grand Total
  • Total Parts & Labour Cost (Excluding VAT)
    {{currency}} {{grandTotalPartsAndLabour | number:2}} {{currency}}
  • Total Parts & Labour Cost (Including VAT)